Friday, August 26, 2011

Song of the Day: "Video Killed the Radio Star"

My friend gave me one of his CD mixes and it has this song on it. I've been listening to it like crazy. Kind of coincides with how I've been feeling today. Even though this song came out in 1979, it still has that oldies vibe to it. Like how video killed the radio star, television and video also killed the drive-in. R.I.P. My should be childhood memories. Song of the day is "Video Killed the Radio Star" by The Buggles.

I Want to Go to a Drive-In Movie

Really looking for something good to watch, but can't really think of anything. I just finished watching this little show about drive-in movies and the 50's and 60's on TV and it has left me feeling a little disappointed. How I wish I was a teenager during those years, when going to watch a movie would only cost one dollar instead of ten. And things just seemed so much more colorful and bright, unique, and cheerful. Present day businesses are so ridiculous and stingy and only care about profit versus pleasing their customers.. It's a shame that most drive-ins have long since been closed down. But I guess everyone is just trying to keep up with the times and technology. Really, I don't see any reason for something as good as that to be considered "out of date." Now I want to go watch some greaser film or some old surfer movie like "Gidget." Sigh...

Know it's been a while since my last update on my blog, though no one's really reading it anyways, and that is all I have to update it with, oh well.