Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Two way street...

So I hear you're trash talking someone who's trash talking you... nice...

Friday, March 30, 2012

Gotta Love Old People

Going to Wal-Mart with your grandparents is a very vexing task. One minute I'm walking beside one, and the next second the other has wandered off somewhere. Then, before going to look for the lost one I tell the other not to move, I come back from my successful search to find that one missing!

And suddenly, a wild X appears!... :P

Monday, March 5, 2012

Gaming Double Standard?

Dumbest thing I heard today. Trying to find some DS games with female leads in them. Come across this site where people are trying to drill the idea into some girl's head (who only had the same simple question as I did) that it doesn't matter the gender of the protagonist.

"You're selling yourself short for not playing games with male protagonists just because of the gender. The gender doesn't really matter." One of them says.

Next thing that is said. "The lead in most games are male because that is the majority of gamers these days."

So wait... The lead in most games are male because most gamers are male? To you who said that I say, "Why do they have to be male?" Why does it matter hmm? Gender doesn't matter. Developers, go ahead and make more games with female protagonists and the guys can play games with some female protagonists then since gender doesn't matter anyways! Stupid double standard...

Monday, January 23, 2012

Popularity = Lower Quality?

Can we all just agree that the idea that once something becomes popular within the media and commercial industry it somehow becomes less good than what it was when no one had heard about it... even though it's the exact same product... is fucking stupid?... Because it is. It's really, really, really dumb.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Go The **** Home! (Please, excuse the language in this following post...)

I love my family, I really do... but like any family they tend to drive me nuts sometimes... Right now I'm living with my grandparents because it is closer to my college. Good reason, right? They have a fully furnished basement with two bedrooms, one bath, a kitchen, and a living room with a big screen T.V. It's practically like my own apartment. But god damn it if I didn't have to share it. Not because there are other people living here with me, oh no. It's because none of my cousins ever want to go the fuck home!

For real! This is not your house. You have no reason to be here. You live just thirty minutes away. I'm sorry, but I like my privacy and quiet time. I dislike it when I go upstairs and you're arguing with my grandma, sitting on your ass on the couch on your computer taking up room, and then there is a baby crying in the corner cause you won't take care of it. And you have your own house where you can do all of this without bothering other people! Why do you bring it here!? Oh, yeah, that's right, your excuse is because you don't have anything to eat at the house... So when did you get those new shoes? Yeah, you know what you could have bought with that money? Fucking food! You have no clue how happy I am to see you leave at ten-o-clock at night, after you stayed the night for three days straight. I literally fist pump as soon as you walk out the door. Like "Hell yeah! They're gone!" ... Only to wake up at eight the next morning to hear the doorbell ringing and you stomping around like a damn elephant over my head... Like you never freaking left...

Note to all you moochers, you lazy asses, and all you others who wont GTFO... GO HOME DAMN IT!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

My Novel Blog

As you can tell by my blog, I enjoy writing. I enjoy writing so much, that on my own spare time I have started over twenty stories of my own, though not a one of them has yet to have been completed. In order to personally share my stories with the world, I created a novel blog to store them on at Speak Softly Novels <<---- Clicky, clicky and it will take you to the site! :D

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I hate the fact that you can go out and buy a brand new laptop computer one year and then by the next a new system will be made, all the programs will be produced to only work with the "newer" ones, and your laptop is already pretty much absolete. FML D: !!!