Friday, July 8, 2011

Word of the Day: Diet



1. The kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats
2. A special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons


1. Restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight

(Definitions taken from Google Dictionary)

Song of the Day: "Sunglasses At Night"

This song is still stuck in my head darn it. If you're wondering why, see my "The Most Awesome Fireworks Show Ever!" post. Plus I swear it played about five times on our way back from Cocoa Beach. Now I really want a pair of cool shades. Anyways, today's Song of the Day is "Sunglasses At Night" by Corey Hart.

... Ugh Diets

Back from a lazy vacation week. I took a couple of pictures, but haven't yet been able to upload them due to my computer being a jerk... Most of them aren't of me anyways, because I suck at doing those "hold the camera in front of your face while striking some kind of pose then take the picture and hope that you were actually in it" kind of photos. Anyways, going to the beach is really a drain man... And kind of depressing. I think I'm going to go on a diet. Not that I'm humongously huge and want to lose weight now, but I do need to exercise more, eat better, whatever. I don't know why people have gotten it into their minds that the word diet in general is bad. Really everyone needs a good diet of some kind. Though healthy produce from stores will suck the money right out of your wallet. And diets just seem inconvenient to me... And it's summer now and way too hot to exercise during the day in this Georgia weather but ugh, I hate waking up early, especially to do something productive like running... or any other kind of moving.

But I feel really guilty now since I just finished off a bag of potato chips (chill, it was already almost empty because someone else ate the bulk of the bag but still...). Sigh, but it was yummy and I'm all out of carrots and celery and it's late and it's not like I was going to go out to buy some. What can ya do :P? Don't answer that. That was a rhetorical question if you didn't know. I'm just a bag full of sarcastic, lovable fluff today. Feeling a little extra on the fluff though.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Song of the Day: "Reverie"

Although I already know Debussy composed a beautiful piece called "Reverie" years ago, today I would like to present Ludovico  Einaudi's "Reverie" to my blog. I started listening to Ludovico's music a while back due to my friend introducing me to it. This is one of my favorite pieces of his I had forgotten about. Completely tranquil and mesmerizing. It's a good song for finding a good place outside to sit, in a light summer breeze, and just closing your eyes, and just breathing and spending some me time. Hope you enjoy it!

The Most Awesome Fireworks Show Ever!

This is my blog about the most awesome fireworks show ever... But not really. I haven't really seen the most awesome fireworks show ever. The best one I ever saw was at Epcot in Disney World. But anyways, right now we are staying in Cocoa Beach. Because it's almost the fourth of July, there are a bunch of fireworks shows going on down here (cause we Americans like explosions right?). Today, we went down and watched the fireworks show at Port Canaveral. The sad thing is, we had to sit around and wait for the show to start for about an hour. The whole while, way across the port, another fireworks show was going on. We could barely see it, but apparently it was a big show. When that one was over, ours finally decided to start. The whole fifteen minutes of it was awesome... but kind of felt disappointing after sitting and watching the one down the port (which we think was at Merritt Island) go on for about an hour. So, while we had been waiting and a little bit afterward, I came up with my own fireworks show. It includes:

1. A large cargo boat.
2. That cargo boat to be filled with boxes of scientifically modified, glow in the dark butterflies.
3. Godzilla.
4. A giant pair of flashing, neon sunglasses.
5. Godzilla to be wearing said sunglasses.
6. Strobe lights.
7. A giant sound system.
8. A projector.

And then, for the grand finale, Godzilla bursts out of the water wearing his sunglasses, with strobe lights spinning around in the background. He's dancing around while "I Where My Sunglasses At Night" blares from the speakers. Water splashes up around his feet and little Disney cartoons are projected on the waves (hey we have to pull from what we know right?). Then when the song reaches the "Don't switch the blade, on the guy in shades, oh no," Godzilla crushes all the Disney characters, sets the barge on fire, and all the glow in the dark butterflies fly free.

The end. :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

Song of the Day: "Good Life"

Oh I know you've heard this song before. Today's Song of the Day is "Good Life" by OneRepublic. I chose this song because I was thinking of a story I had wanted to write, and this song just seemed to suit it perfectly. I kept thinking of the story... and then this song. Hence, this song being stuck in my head all day yesterday while I was riding in the car down the highway. It suited my day perfectly as well... for a while... Until about four hours went by and I was just so flippin' tired of being in that car! Still love the song, nonetheless.

Vacation and Word of the Day: Beach

On vacation in Cocoa Beach with my cousin and her family! Just got here yesterday, after a long seven hour drive, and we're staying with her aunt right on the beach. Would be nice if there was better internet service though, but hey I have it so I can't complain. Would put pictures on here when I take them, if I quit being lazy and just get my camera out for goodness sake. I really do love the beach, actually I think I'm taking more vacations this year than I ever have before; already went to Panama, now Cocoa, then to Panama again, then probably to St. Simons, anyways... I love the beach, but hate the saltwater. Usually I just find myself laying out on the sand, reading a book, getting a tan, just chilling... Give me a boogy board though and I'll be happy to go play in the water :D.



1. A pebbly or sandy shore, esp. by the ocean between high- and low-water marks


1. Run or haul up onto a beach

(Definitions taken from Google Dictionary)